

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Car crash love rat caught out after 17 of his girlfriends visit him in hospital

Love rat: The car crash Romeo was caught out after the accident
A motorist involved in a car crash was left with even more to worry about when 17 of his lovers turned up to visit him in hospital.

The love rat, from China, was caught out after stringing various lovers along for months and - in some cases - even years.

Identified as Mr Yuan from the city of Changsha, in Hunan province, the cheat even has a child with one of the women.

But he ran out of luck when doctors caring for him in hospital after the accident received calls from many women concerned about him.

Xiao Li, who has been seeing him for 18 months, said: "I was really worried when I heard that he was in hospital.

"But when I started seeing more and more beautiful girls show up, I couldn't cry any more."

It is claimed that the man had been borrowing money from many of the women and, incredibly, had even started planning weddings with a number of them.

Mr Yuan is now facing a police investigation into accusations of fraud.

Credit: Dailymirror

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