
Pregnant woman sees 'ghost' of her mum staring back at her from BABY scan

A pregnant woman claims she can see the ghost of her mother staring back at her - from a baby scan.
Rebecca Melia lost her mum Sharon to kidney cancer in February.

She said she never got the opportunity to tell her she was pregnant with her grandchild.

Sharon, just 49 when she died, had battled cancer for three years, but the family say they always feel her presence with them and know she's watching over the family, the Liverpool Echo reports.

Now, Rebecca, 30, is even more sure that her mum is watching over the family and her unborn child after seeing her face appear in a baby scan.

Rebecca went for a scan on June 18 and started to worry when nurses were taking a long time to bring back her scan pictures.

She said: "They had me there for a long time and I could tell they had seen something on the scan.

"I was convinced it was something wrong with my boy. Not even thinking what was to come, the lady gave me the picture and she said 'I think you might like this one' with a smile on her face. And the nurse did know my mum had passed away."

Rebecca, from Kirkby, took her scan home and posted pictures of it on Facebook.

She said: "I have a little area in my room with pictures of my mum on and before I went for my scan I was talking to her, saying I wish she was coming with me.

"This is her 14th grandchild and she has been there for every one."

After looking more closely at the scan, Rebecca suddenly saw her mum's face appear at the top of the photo.

She said: "I couldn't believe it; I was shocked, happy and overwhelmed all at the same time. My mum's face, which I longed to see, was there as clear as day on my scan.

"And I wanted to share this story to bring comfort to others who have lost their loved ones and show this is proof that loved ones who have died may not be seen, but they are still here."

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