

Tuesday 17 February 2015

We’re Ready To Fly All Night – Domestic Airlines

Following the announcement of the minister of Aviation, Chief Osita Chidoka, that domestic airlines would now begin to do 24-hour flight services without recourse to night time, the chairman, Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON), Captain Nogie Meggison, has assured Nigerians that the domestic airlines could operate round the clock without any addition risk.

Speaking with LEADERSHIP shortly after the ministerial unveiling of an industry initiative, the
Aviation Commits, Meggison said there is no difference or any additional risk in flying at night in the country’s airspace, noting, however, that lighting on the tarmac remained the major airport infrastructure to ensure smooth operation at night.

Chidoka had said at the event where he made series of reformative decisions that from May 2015, all airlines would fly round the clock.

“They (airlines) are spending more time on ground than in the air where they belong,” the minister said.

Chidoka believes that unhindered operation of the local airlines would form the catalyst for the aviation sector to grow at a rapid pace and contribute to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in greater measure than the current 0.4 per cent which he described as ridiculous. On the recently wild cancellation of flights by the airlines and issues bothering on compensation of affected passengers, the AON boss said domestic airlines would make compensations to affected passengers.

He, however, bemoaned the Nigerian system for being far behind in global competition and in aviation development, blaming it on the regulatory agencies, which, he said, lacked harmony and transparency. He said the airports’ lack of infrastructure that could enable landing of aircraft under any weather condition is a huge setback for airline operators in Nigeria.

“We are talking of infrastructure that those other countries in Europe, for instance, have got over 40 years ago. We need to develop, and move up as fast as we can in this industry and as a country,” he said.

Source: Leadership.ng

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