

Friday, 27 March 2015

Apple acquires big data analytics firm Acunu

Apple appears to have acquired London-based big data analytics firm Acunu, which previously marketed an eponymous real-time analytics platform that boasted high-velocity ingests and compatibility with Cassandra databases.

A preponderance of evidence suggests Apple Performed an "acqui-hire" of key Acunu employees in late 2013, though an exact timeline is currently unknown. From the end of 2013, and moving into early 2014, at least seven software engineers, including founding CEO and CTO Tim Moreton, left Acunu and are now working for Apple in some capacity.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Moreton uprooted from the UK and is now serving as an iCloud manager in San Francisco. He left Acunu in December 2013.

Former Acunu chief product officer and head engineering Andrew Byde left the firm in January 2014 and is currently a senior software engineer working out of Apple's London offices. On his LinkedIn bio, Byde says his current position "involves "Big Data" at the largest scale — high quality reliable scalable engineering." Other former Acunu employees now working at Apple include software engineers Richard Low, Nicolas Favre-Felix , and Sam Overton . Tellingly, Overton is continuing work with distributed systems at Apple and is involved in the "development of highly available distributed systems for structured storage." Another software engineer left Acunu for Apple in December 2013 before moving on to Google.

Grzegorz Milos left his seat as Acunu's kernel team lead in early 2013 and entered Apple in December 2014 as an iCloud engineer focusing on CloudKit technology. Another former Acunu kernel engineer just joined Apple in February as part of the iCloud team.

In addition to the mass employee migration, UK executive agency Companies House London lists Acunu as registered to 100 New Bridge Street in London, the official registered address of Apple Europe. This same address was used to register Camel Audio when Apple took control of the digital instrument effects developer in February.

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