Breast is best" -- you could call it a mantra of sorts that sums up much of today's research on breastfeeding.
Not only does breastfeeding have clear short-term benefits, such as protection from infectious diseases and a reduction in mortality, it's also been shown to be associated with an increase in intelligence.
Prior studies have shown an increase of up to 7.5 IQ points in elementary age children who were breastfed, as well as an increase in verbal, performance and comprehensive IQ in adults.
latest addition to this perspective is a long-term study of infants
born in Pelotas, Brazil, in 1982. Published in Lancet, the study
interviewed 5,914 new mothers about their plans for breastfeeding and
then followed up to see how they did.
on breastfeeding duration was collected very close to the time when
weaning happened, so we had a very precise information on the duration
of breastfeeding," said study author, Dr. Bernardo Lessa Horta, in a podcast on Lancet.
What makes this study unique is that it followed the subjects all the way to age 30.
were able to follow about 68% of the participants, which is a very good
follow-up rate," said Lessa Horta. "We observed that breastfeeding was
positively associated with performance and intelligence at 30 years old,
as well as with education, school achievement and higher monthly
In fact, Lessa Horta said the
subjects who had been breastfed for 12 months or longer had a higher IQ
(about 3.7 points), more years of education and earned roughly 20% more
than the average income level.
suggesting that the positive effect of breastfeeding on IQ leads to a
higher income," he said. "This is our main finding at this moment."
possible reason for the advantage of breast milk, Lessa Horta added, is
that it is "rich in long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids which are
important to brain growth and development." Called LCPUFA for short,
these essential fatty acids are found in salmon and shellfish and have
been added to infant formulas since the 1990s. However, the benefit to mental or psychomotor development from adding LCPUFA to infant formula is unclear.
the study did not measure home life, intellectual stimulation or
bonding between mother and child, it was not able to tease out whether
these factors may have also contributed to the increase in IQ. That
leaves it open to critics, such as Texas A&M Professor Joan Wolf,
author of "Is Breast Best?
study does not address the very real possibility that mothers who
choose to breastfeed, regardless of income or education, distinguish
themselves from those who bottle-feed in all kinds of ways that are
likely to promote intelligence," Wolf wrote CNN.
Lessa Horta, the implications of his study are clear: "The finding
supports the promotion of breastfeeding. It's more evidence that besides
the clear short term benefits, breastfeeding also has long term
consequences in terms of human potential."
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