

Thursday 23 April 2015

Girlfriend gets revenge on cheating partner by dumping his Apple devices in the bath

A scorned girlfriend has got revenge on her cheating boyfriend by dumping his collection of Apple products in the bath.

After Twitter user @foolishnessfly2 discovered her partner had been seeing someone else behind her back, she collected all of his devices - including an iMac, an iPad, a couple of iPhones and two MacBooks - and drowned them in soapy water.

The act of revenge would have killed the electronics - worth several thousand pounds in total.

To add insult to injury, she then took pictures of the submerged technology and tweeted them for all to see.

The humiliating post has been retweeted more than 15,000 times.

As we all know, water + electronics = a rather painful and expensive death.

It might be possible to resurrect some of them with the bag-of-rice trick, but if we were @follishnessfly2's boyfriend, we wouldn't hold our breath.

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