

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Son murdered and sexually assaulted his mother during cocaine and booze-fuelled bedroom torture session

Alex McDonald
A 27-year-old tortured his mother with a knitting needle, knife and electric cord and sexually assaulted her after a booze and cocaine binge.

Alex McDonald was today found guilty of murder after his mother Catherine was discovered dead in her home.

The textile artist, 57, was stabbed twice in the chest, strangled with an electric power cable and stabbed in the neck with knitting needles, one of which was still in place.

There were also small cuts on her neck which had been caused by a pair of nail scissors.

Forensic tests showed his DNA was also found on her and on a discarded condom, showing his mother had been sexually assaulted during the brutal assault.

There were scratches and bruises on her face, body, arms, legs and neck as she struggled for survival in the attack.
It is believed McDonald attacked her while she was sleeping as when her body was found she was still wearing ear plugs that she wore to help her sleep.

Earlier the trial at Exeter Crown Court heard McDonald had been at a wine-tasting event where he boasted of downing four bottles of wine.

On his way home he snorted cocaine before attacking his mother while she was sleeping in bed.
Prosecutor Simon Laws QC said only child McDonald was "in a state of sexual excitement".

He told the jury McDonald used the scissors to "force her to submit to a sexual assault".

He said: "It was a surprise attack.

"She stood no chance against her 27 year old son who is well over six feet tall.

It is believed McDonald attacked her while she was sleeping as when her body was found she was still wearing ear plugs that she wore to help her sleep.
Catherine McDonald
(Daily Mirror)

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