

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Man sentenced to flogging for stealing car stereo

A 24-year-old man who stole a car stereo, on Tuesday opted for six strokes of cane after he could not raise a fine of N2, 000 ruled as an option by a court in Makurdi.

A Makurdi Magistrates’ court on Tuesday ordered that Richard Terfa of Gaadi village, Makurdi, who admitted stealing a car stereo, be given six strokes of cane.

The court also gave him an option of N2, 000 fine as a first offender, but he opted for physical punishment as he was unable to raise money for the fine.

Mr. Terfa was convicted by the court presided over by Theresa Wergba, after he admitted to committing the crime.

He was charged under section 287 of the penal code.

The prosecutor, Imo Edward, told the court that the case was reported at the “E” Division Police Station, Makurdi by one Daniel Salam of Km 4 Terwase Agbadu on Sept. 27.

The complainant had said the accused person broke into his vehicle and made away with one motor battery valued N14, 000, car stereo valued N12, 000 and N11, 500 cash.

“When the accused person was arrested by the police, he confessed to committing the crime.

“The accused pleaded guilty and said he stole the car stereo to get money for his wife’s delivery in the hospital but denied taking any money from the car,” he said.

The magistrate ordered the release of the convict to go and take care of his wife after receiving the six strokes of cane.


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