

Monday, 28 March 2016

Father of Madonna's adopted son David Banda blasts singer

The father of Madonna 's adopted son David Banda is worried about the welfare of his child following her public fallout with other son Rocco.

The singer has been locked in a public battle over the custody of teenager Rocco with ex-husband Guy Ritchie for the last few months after the 15-year-old refused to return to his mum for Christmas and speaking about the rift, Yohane Banda has admitted it's concerning.

Yohane - who gave up David for adoption in 2006 when he was seven-months-old - told The Sun: “Madonna and Guy’s custody battle turning bitter and nasty is a huge concern.

“I’d like to know what’s going on behind closed doors and why Rocco wanted to leave his mum and live with his dad like that."

He continued: “My children are all very close and have lots of fun together, which is how life should be for brothers and sisters.

“One child living in New York and another in London sounds like an unhappy situation to me.”

It isn't just the Rocco situation he has a problem with.

Madonna's behaviour in general, he believes, is a bad influence on David: "What I have heard about Madonna’s lifestyle since her divorce from Guy sounds quite shocking.

“Her having much younger boyfriends isn’t in line with Malawian culture at all. David would not be exposed to that sort of thing here. It’s not how we live. We have strong family values."

Madge suffered a series of public breakdowns during her recent Rebel Heart tour including calling Guy a "c***" on stage and appearing intoxicated during more than one performance.

Yohane admitted he was worried the behaviour would see Guy take custody of his son, something he insisted he didn't want.
Claiming Guy was never "interested" in David, he said: “I don’t want David to follow Rocco’s decision to go and live with Guy now either. I never got the impression that Guy was interested in adopting David.

“It was Madonna who wanted to take David to live with her.

“The only reason I let Madonna adopt David was because she promised me she would give him a good education and then he could come home to live with me."

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