

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Married Premier League star 'got 22-year-old student pregnant and begged her for abortion'

A married Premier League footballer is accused of getting a student pregnant before begging her to have the child aborted.

The star reportedly began a six-month affair with the 22-year-old after getting in touch with her on social media last July.

They reportedly had sex for the first time two weeks later in a five-star hotel.

However, the woman claims the footballer started putting pressure on her to have an abortion after she told him she was pregnant in October.

She is now due to give birth in June and is fighting the footballer for maintenance.

A source told The Sun that the star “wasn’t happy” when the girl told him she was pregnant and wanted to keep the child.

“He basically said ‘what about my career'", the source said. "He didn’t care about her or the baby. He started pressing her to have an abortion for the sake of his reputation brand and career.”

The girl claims the footballer wanted her to rent a flat near his home and offered her £1,000 a month to help pay for it.

She also says he would text her saying he loved her almost every day and often put money into her bank account.

But the girl claims the pair stopped meeting in the New Year. She has now hired a lawyer to fight for maintenance and agreed to a paternity test when the baby is born.

(Daily Mirror)

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