

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Trends in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Data

The major trend observed across industry and the public sector is artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) for automation. This, in turn, plays a major part in any digital transformation journey. 

The trend grew out of the Bay Area, providing a customer-centric view of data and often involved using data as part of the product or service. This consumer- or customer-centric model assumes data enrichment with data from multiple sources. 

However, fundamentally, it divides the data into two main areas. Real-time data and historic data. Pivotal, whose initial research forms the basis of this thinking, names this as “fast” data and “big” data.

Streaming or “fast” data

The first part of the chart describes the high value of data as recognized in the sub-second space of finance and into the few-second duration of the mobile user/web shopper. The chart does not describe — but the whiteboard session does highlight — how fiscal information becomes of extreme high value if the organization is required to commit statements of fiscal performance to stock-markets/analysts, etc.

Dell EMC Research (https://www.delltechnologies.com/en-us/perspectives/realizing-2030.htm) found consumers to have something in the region of a 6-second attention span. Delayed data or a poor connection results in direct loss of consumer business and — if consistently delayed or poor — loss of consumer confidence in the product.
scale and at speed

Behind the chart is the reality of data-driven business. That in delivering information into the hands of customers and business partners the organization is developing a trust relationship. 

The better the quality of information, the higher trust exists between parties. Trusted data (accurate information) is used to drive relationships with users and business associates. 

Indeed, data, as a part of the wider relationship, the fair and trusted exchange of information, is becoming the central model for many consumer services (for example, Uber, Facebook, Amazon, Spotify). Online gambling is an example where accuracy, speed (of data) and trust (reliability) is essential and creates differentiated services. 

The telco-media and entertainment industry, in general, recognized some time ago that strong trusted consumer relationships based on high-quality personalized data deliver consumer brand loyalty and typically increased spend.

Data value increases over time

The greatest change in the overall value of data is that older data is becoming a high-value asset. This trend became apparent when:
Web-based business needed to understand a customer that it never actually meets.
Data scientists, mathematicians and traditional business analysts were employed to build profiles from every customer interaction and, against these, predict and effectively recommend, at high levels of consistency, more or new products.

To make accurate consumer predictions, the technology needed to be fed a lot of data. Different industries began to recognize that corporate wisdom needed to be captured. ING Bank call this its corporate memory.
Corporate memory

Success stories about the organizations whose examples make up the poster children for data evangelists retained/stored and used data that was always most likely to result in competitive advantage. They do not necessarily keep all data, instead — and by design — they keep what is most likely to prove to be beneficial.

The impact of automation

The advent of advanced predictive analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence at scale and with a commodity price has driven the need for the “corporate memory” to be rapidly adopted in many organizations.
Finance sector saw the early beginnings of heavily automated trading. 
The corporate memory model is extended now as a means of preventing fiscal losses due to a flash crash. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-02-05/dow-s-15-minute-plunge-had-elements-of-a-flash-crash-isi-says .
AL and ML contribute significantly to the automation and M2M world that is rapidly emerging within the digital transformation of many businesses. The data chart illustrates how data is best characterized and then utilized in this digital universe. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2018/04/30/27-incredible-examples-of-ai-and-machine-learning-in-practice/#6b0cb0677502
Data silo and data lake

The charts, in fact, make no suggestion of where or indeed how to store data. Neither do the charts suggest one type of data storage is preferable.

memory and the super-fast data usage in the age of AI-driven data use.

Summary and action
The age of commodity-based AI is extremely close. The pattern of data flow demonstrated in these three charts maps directly into the digital world in which AI is a major automation factor. The corporate memory becomes the governance condition for the super-fast world of machine to machine (M2M) interaction. At a simple level, to avoid a flash crash, AIs need to be built upon real-world examples. This alone creates the high value of both “newly created” and “long term” data.

Action now: Review where you are in the final chart; pinpoint where you are under-indexed in terms of investment. Remedy that — gain capability. And, in terms of building corporate memory, every day lost is a day of data gone. Make sure you can get back the data you store. Start with storing an overkill amount and then pare back. Data you keep today can be disposed of tomorrow. The opposite is not true. Whatever you start with — start today.

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