
Video: Kind-hearted strangers clear snow so grieving pensioner can visit wife's memorial

Bud Caldwell lost his wife Daisy a couple of years ago, after 55 happy years of marriage.

He paid for a memorial bench at a local park in her honour and has visited it every day he can since it was installed - taking a bunch of daisies with him each time to leave as a tribute.

Bud told CBS News that every day, as he is about to leave the bench, he says the same thing:

"See you tomorrow, munchkin. Love you. Always did. Always will."
Photos of Daisy and Bud Caldwell
Heavy snowfall in his hometown Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, meant Bud was no longer able to reach the bench - but he still travelled to the park entrance daily to get as close as he could.

One day, two men spotted the pensioner and decided to do something to help

City workers Jerrod Ebert and Kevin Schultz said to CBS News:

"It took us both back a little bit thinking, my gosh, his devotion is that strong that he still comes when he can't make it to the bench."

They decided to shovel the snow, clearing a path so that Bud was easily able to reach the bench the next day.
Jerrod and Kevin clearing the snow so Bud can reach his deceased wife's memorial
For the past couple of months, every time there is fresh snow, the pair have been sneaking off on their own to clear the way again.

Bud couldn't believe anyone would go to such trouble on his behalf

"One day I pulled up there and there's the walk shoveled," he explained. "My knees about buckled on me."

Jerrod insists that he and Kevin were "just doing what we felt was our job. Some intuition, be it divine or otherwise says this is why you're here - to help one another."

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