
Barbaric Islamic State crucify two children for 'not fasting in Ramadan'

The boys, believed to be under the age of 18, were brutally killed by the evil jihadists in Syria's Deir Ezzor region.

Militants hanged signs on the children's neck which said "not fasting in Ramadan", according to the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights (SOHR).

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims mark the period in which the Quran was revealed by fasting during daylight hours.

It is not the first time ISIS has brutally murdered and crucified people for what they believed were violations of their strict and oppressive laws.

Last October ISIS militants publicly crucified and murdered a teenager who was accused of taking photos of the jihadists' Syrian headquarters.

A handwritten placard was hung around his neck which accused him of abandoning his religion.

While in April this year ISIS militants brutally beheaded four men accused of theft and then crucified their bodies in a town square.

The United Nations (UN) said in February they were aware of reports of ISIS militants killing children by burying them alive or crucifying them in Iraq.

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