

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Indian sister sentenced to be gang-raped speaks of terror: "They will get their revenge one day"

One of two sisters sentenced to be gang-raped in India has spoken of her fear that the village elders who ordered the vile punishment will send someone to carry it out.

Meenakshi Kumari, 23, and her sister were sentenced after their brother ran off with a married woman from a higher caste.

And she has told how she has not been able to sleep properly or leave the house after fleeing her village to a secret location in Delhi.

She said: "I can’t sleep, I’m very scared. How will we ever return home or to our village?

"If we ever return they will harm us or rape us. If not today then in the future. Jats never forget and they will not forget this humiliation. They want their revenge. Loving someone is not wrong."

Meenakshi and her little sister were with the family in Delhi for a wedding when a neighbour called them and told them not to return to the village as the un-elected village council, Khap panchayat, dominated by upper caste "Jat" men, ordered the two sisters be raped and paraded naked with their faces blackened as punishment for their brother's actions.

(Daily Mirror)

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