
‘Reason Cyber Hackers Pursue Financial Data Of Banks’

The Managing Director and CEO of Arit of Africa, an information communications and technology (ICT) firms in Nigeria, Ronke Okeremi, has advanced reasons why financial data of banks is the most prone to cyber-attacks in the world. 

She said financial data is the most attractive and hence financial institutions are more likely to be attacked. She therefore asked business owners to execute regular vulnerability assessment to determine areas of threat. 

Okeremi implored managers of financial and non-financial organisations to improve the levels of cyber security awareness as any organisation can be attacked at some point in time. 

While describing cyberattack as any risk of financial loss, disruption or damage to the reputation of an organisation that may arise from some failures of its information technology systems, she said that identity theft has become rampant, as such, she warned financial institutions and banks to be watchful.


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