
How To Fall In Love Again With Your Career

By  Brad Shorr

There are few things more depressing than being stuck in a job you no longer love. We have a holiday celebrating romantic love, but why not one celebrating career love? Especially considering that many of us spend upwards of 25 percent of our waking hours on the job.

Ten years ago I took the leap from a corporate job that I no longer loved, to follow my heart and pursue work as a full-time marketer and writer. At times the ride was bumpy and jarring, an unsettling change … but I learned something very important:

When you love what you do, everything else has a way of falling into place.

If you are pondering a career change because you’ve grown weary in your work, here are a few suggestions and reflections from someone who has been there. Everybody is different and every situation is different, so I don’t expect all of this to apply to you. However, if you get one piece of useful information out of this article, I’m glad I wrote it.

1. Your work environment isn’t going to change to accommodate you. You can plod along for decades thinking, “If only the company would change this, or if only my boss would do that, then everything would be great.” It’s a false hope. The reality is, companies are slow to adapt, and seldom do so to accommodate a single individual. If you don’t like the culture now, you probably won’t like it in the future. Staying will just grind you down.

Read more here

Source: Forbes.com

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