
'Human Ken Doll' who spent £125,000 on plastic surgery unveils his extreme transformation

Rodrigo Alves says childhood bullying, including teasing for his big nose and large breasts, inspired his desire for a new look 

A plastic surgery addict who has spent a staggering £125,000 sculpting his face and body has unveiled his new look, and opened up about the bullying that led him to his dramatic transformation.

Rodrigo Alves, dubbed the ‘Human Ken Doll’, has had 30 operations including nose jobs, six pack implants and fillers.

But he claims people focus too heavily on his looks and do not understand the full story about why he changed his appearance.

The 31-year-old said: "I do not like to focus on the past because it makes me feel upset.

"Growing up I felt left alone as no one wanted to be friends with me.

"Because of my body image and the fact that I was shy, I would shut myself away from social activities."
Ken Doll: Rodrigo Alves has spent £125,000 on plastic surgery

He explains that other boys at school would call him 'potato nose' and 'jelly body’ and tease his big nose and large breasts.

"At the age on 16 or 17 I had my first plastic surgery to correct my chest, which I still have the scars of," he said.

"I knew that I would go ahead with plastic surgery when I was the right age. My way to deal with it was to study hard and to be the best that I could be as a person.

"I speak four languages and I have a UK degree in PR. I'm dyslexic and I used to pray a lot too, wishing the time away.

"Now I pray for it to slow down because I don't want to get old.”
Aftermath: Rodrigo Alves following one of his many, many operations

Most of Rodrigo's surgery was done in the UK but he travelled to Colombia for his most recent procedures.

He explains that he understands why people compare him to the Ken doll as a result.

"I celebrate life every day and the Human Ken Doll nickname came about in a very light-hearted way due to my plastic look, my glamorous clothing and jet-setting life style,” he said.

"I'm a perfectionist and when invited to parties and events people expect me to look at my best."

"I have chosen to never be offended by it and I have a lot of fun with it.

"I just love life and I am very grateful to love myself today.”

He also spoke of his love for fashion, claiming he has more than 200 pairs of shoes and 300 bespoke blazers in a variety of colours at home.

Expensive: Rodrigo spends a fortune on maintaining his look

He quipped: "If people think that I spent a lot in plastic surgery waiting until you see all my shoes."

Rodrigo now works to help others achieve a look that will make them feel confident and happy

But he is quick to add that in spite of what many might think, he would not encourage his clients - "ultra-high net worth individuals" - to jump into plastic surgery.

He said: "I do all of their fashion shopping, cosmetics, barber-booking, and I also help then with their lifestyle choices such as holidays and restaurants,” he said.
Under the knife: Rodrigo pictured in hospital during one of the cosmetic surgery procedures
"It is truly rewarding but now I would like to help out people who suffer from body image issues."

His dream is to one day have his very own make-over reality TV show specifically for men.

"My e-mails and Facebook are overloaded with messages from guys who identify themselves with my life story," he said.

 "They ask what to do for acne, what do to for hair loss, which procedure works, what plastic procedure is the best, is it painful, is it expensive?"

Rodrigo's story comes after another "human Ken", Celso Santebanes, spent £30,000 to look like his plastic idol and then brought out his own doll.

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