
Experian to invest R$25m in Big Data in Brazil

Credit information provider Experian will invest R$25m ($8.2m) in big data initiatives in Brazil over the next five years.

The company - locally known as Serasa Experian after its merger with Serasa, the largest credit data agency in Brazil in 2007 - told local portal Convergência Digital that it is due to build a lab dedicated exclusively to data-related products and services in São Paulo.

This would be the company's third data analytics lab - the other two are based in the Silicon Valley and London.

In recent years, Experian's Brazilian arm has invested in strengthening its activities in areas such as marketing, digital certification and data analysis, including Big Data.

The company can perform daily monitoring of profiles of bank account holders based on some 150 million variables including notary records and any data relation to retail purchases. This enables more accurate credit record assessments and also helps banks reduce defaulting.

Among the group's international operations, which span 39 countries, Brazil occupies the third position in terms of revenue, behind the United States and United Kingdom.

Credit: Zdnet

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