
Thursday, 2 April 2015

Hina Shamim: Tragic student dies on route to handing in final piece of coursework after being struck by car

A university student has died after she was hit by a car while crossing the road to hand in her final piece of coursework.

Hina Shamim, 21, was fatally struck by a high powered BMW M3 containing six people - five of them children.

The youngsters were taken to hospital with the 34-year-old driver, who was later arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.

It is believed Hina was knocked down by the car before being pinned against a wall after the vehicle smashed head-on into a bus.

Witness Thomas Robertson-Johnson, 27, said: “I came running around the corner and saw this young Asian father dragging three kids out.

“One of the children, a boy, seemed to have a broken wrist. He was holding it up and it was floppy. He was crying.

“The other smaller boy had a deep head wound and was bleeding heavily. The other child, a girl, had lacerations from the broken glass most probably.”

Adam Turner, 19, a sports science student, added: “The momentum of the crash swung the car around and it ended up near a wall.

“I think the girl was pinned against it.”

Hina was just weeks from finishing a sports science and nutrition degree at Kingston University when she tragically died on Tuesday night.

She was crossing a road near the college in Kingston-upon-Thames, south-west London at around 9pm when she was struck by the white BMW.

Hina, known to her friends as ‘Hyena’, was critically injured and pronounced dead at the scene.

The five children in the car - two four-year-old boys, an eight-year-old girl, a 12-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy - were taken to hospital with the driver.

A 39-year-old bus passenger was also treated in A&E while the double decker’s driver was tended by paramedics at the scene.

None of the injuries are understood to be life threatening.

Hina’s friend Monty Sajdewa, 24, paid tribute saying: “She was the most charming person you could ever meet. She was beautiful in every way.

“She lit up a room and was so caring and funny. She always had a smile on her face.”

The tragic student, of Peterborough, Cambs., is survived by her parents and three younger brothers - two of whom are twins.

One of Hina’s cousins said: “She was a really lovely girl, so full of life and really happy - I never saw her without a smile on her face.

“I couldn’t believe it when I heard about it - we’re all still in shock.”

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