
"I've had 136 first dates in two years - but never got a second one", reveals unlucky woman

Australian primary school teacher is one of the most popular people on an internet dating site.

Belinda Stuckey has not found a match despite having been on more than 136 first dates
(Daily Mirror) - This woman might just be the unluckiest in love after having gone on 136 dates in the past two years - but never getting a second one.

Blonde Australian Belinda Stuckey is one of the most contacted members on the internet dating site eHarmony in her home country, but despite that she remains single.

Miss Stuckey, 35, has had more than 4,700 matches through the site and gone on 136 dates since she joined in December 2013.

But the primary school teacher from Sydney has never met the men again - either because she did not like them or they did not like here.

There has never been a mutual attraction.

She said: "If I don't hear from him again I wonder what I did to turn him off - "Did i do something wrong?

"Did I not show enough skin?

"What can I do better next time?”."

Miss Stuckey had come out of a four year relationship when she decided to venture into online dating to find a new partner.

She is now one of the site’s most requested members and receives around 10 matches a day.

The bubbly Aussie says she will only go on a date with around 20 per cent of those, but puts her popularity down to her honesty with her profile.

She told Mail Online: "I don’t see any point putting out there someone you are not – it's important to let people know who you are and what your ultimate goal is at the end.”

Despite her apparent bad luck in looking for love, Miss Stuckey said she has not given up just yet and is ready to keep going until she finds that special one.

She said: "You have got to have thick skin and take it with a grain of salt”, before adding: "I still have hope he’ll be out there."

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