
Saturday, 17 October 2015

Miltary confirms judgment against Brigadier General Ransome-Kuti

In reference to media enquiry on the judgement passed by a General Court Martial yesterday at Army Headquarters Garrison refers. I wish to confirm that one of the accused persons, Brigadier General EA Ransome-Kuti was awarded the following punishments on the various count charges against him as follows;

The first count charge which was "Cowardly Behaviour" was struck out but he was found guilty on Count Charge Number Two which was "Failure to Perform Military Duties" and  was Dismissed from the Nigerian Army.

He was equally found guilty on Count Charge Number 3 which was "Miscellaneous Offences Relating to Service Property" and was awarded 6 Months imprisonment.

Thank you.

Colonel SaniKukasheka Usman
Ag Director Army Public Relations

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