
Saturday, 23 January 2016

Monkey clutches baby close in touching cold snap as snow arrives in China

The cold is snow joke for these monkeys as they huddle together against the elements.

As snow falls inside their enclosure at a zoo in Hangzhou, east China’s Zhejiang province, the parent holds its baby close.
Looking to the sky, the adult wonders just where the white stuff is coming from...

Schools have been suspended and emergency workers put on standby as the country braces for historically cold weather, including 30-year lows in places, the government and state media said.

Many, used to monkeying around in better conditions, looked confused by the wintry weather .

 There was a silver lining for one as it clutched a snowball ... but it looked more likely to EAT the ball than throw it.

 Luckily for the furry creature, it was all white - because, as we all know, you should never eat yellow snow.

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