
Saturday, 23 January 2016

Was £33million winning lottery ticket destroyed in the wash? Woman 'presents tattered evidence to newsagent'

As the hunt for the owner of the unclaimed £33million Lotto jackpot intensified, a woman has reportedly come forward claiming to have the winning ticket.

But, she claims, there is just one small problem - it has been through the washing machine.

According to The Times, the blonde-haired woman presented the tattered bit of paper to a newsagent in Worcester yesterday.
Natu Patel, who runs Ambleside News in Warndon on the outskirts of the city, was yesterday revealed to have sold the jackpot ticket.

The 64-year-old was told by National Lottery bosses that the winning ticket was bought in the area.

He said that it would be "wonderful" if it was bought in his shop - though he won't know if it is unless he scans it.
Therein, according to The Times, lies the problem - the all-important date and barcode have been scrubbed off the woman's ticket.

The woman, who claims to have found the ticket in the pocket of a pair of jeans that had been in the wash, told The Times: "I’ve been a nervous wreck.

"I haven’t slept all night. Since I found it in my jeans pocket, my daughter and I have been drying it out with the hairdryer.

"You can see 2016 but not the date. This is one of only two shops I buy my tickets, and I remember coming in here the day, or the day before [the draw], because I had to buy something else.

(Daily Mirror)

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