The Economy of Things report just released by the IBM Institute for Business Value
(IBV) gives a glimpse at what is possible when devices are enabled over
a network. It focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT) ready devices as
data sources for understanding capacity and asset utilization. More
precisely they describe it as “liquification” (sic) of the physical
world, where “[assets] become as easily indexed, searched and traded as
any online commodity.” The concept is to consider what you could do with
the data output, and capabilities of IoT devices.
[Note: Unfortunately, the IT industry has popularized the meaning of
the word "virtualization" to be associated mostly with creating virtual
instances of computer servers. What they really mean by "liquification,"
or liquefaction more appropriately, is to translate hard assets into
their virtual counterparts -- i.e. the virtualization of physical
assets. ]
By abstracting IoT device capabilities and output, the report
suggests that you “can create liquid marketplaces
of physical assets by
enabling real-time discoverability, usability and payment.” You can take
the output data into analytical models to do more intricate things like
risk mitigation or resource optimization. The marketplace and mechanism
introduces the idea of multiple producers of information and consumers
that integrate together, and has a value upon the factors of the output.
The IBV report gives a detailed account of how liquification
(virtualization) of the airline seat reservation system decades ago with
SABRE, originally for American Airlines, helped to improved airline
industry load factors from 60 percent up to nearly 90 percent efficiency
today. Our view of airlines shifted from how many entire planes fly
from place to place, to how many seats are available on flights. Since
U.S. airline deregulation in 1978, the average airfare has dropped from
around $450 to under $250 (in constant dollars).
This is the one source discovering new value from physical assets,
via their virtual models, and the same for the Internet of Things. In
the airline models, the idea shifted from flights to more granular units
of seats and seating capacity per flight. IoT devices similarly can
introduce new factors or shift the granularity of information (e.g.,
from entire farm fields, to several square meters of specific crops).
There is certainly a lot of value in getting more efficiency out of
wasted or idle capacity. Much of the world’s infrastructure is far
enough behind that there are huge profits to be made here.
However, I think it falls short of the promise of IoT. It looks at
using such devices as passive data elements. If you think just
collecting data from devices is the value of the Internet of Things, you
are thinking too small.
Beyond Passive Data To Automation And Control
IoT devices aren’t just passive data generators relaying information
out to Big data analytics engines. Control systems are some of the oldest examples of the Internet of Things. For example, 33 years ago in 1982, CMU students built the first Internet Coke Machine,
so students could order sodas while still at their desktops, charge the
cost, and then go pick it up. At the 1989 Interop conference, Dan Lynch
with others created the first Internet Toaster
that was directly connected to the Internet (via TCP/IP) and could be
controlled with SNMP. It was a proof of concept that really anything
could be on the Internet. The value here is in automation and
distributed control. Security still needs much more attention when
connecting devices over the network, per the recent Wired story on how a car was hacked while being driven.
But this also points out the other factor: we need to think of IoT
devices beyond living in closed networks (e.g. within the limits of a
farm), and instead consider their uses on the Internet. The Home
Automation market for one is seeing new growth with the affordability of
Wi-Fi IoT devices like cameras, lighting, and HVAC.
Lutron home automation systems were once only seen in million dollar
mansions. The company now has a more affordable line, Caséta Wireless,
to allow you control your home lighting and shades with Siri on your
Apple iPhone. What is more interesting is the ability to set your own
rules of how all this works automatically as “recipes” on IFTTT cloud
service (see Fig 2). Similarly other companies like Honeywell, Philips
and Belkin are also getting into the act for the connected home.
IFTTT (If This Than That) is a
very simple yet quite powerful glue for things on the Internet, whether
software apps or IoT devices, and allow you to perform actions if some
rule that you set is triggered. For example, if there is a rain heavy
warning on Yahoo weather, you can turn off the sprinkler system, and
re-enable later. If your Fedex, UPS, DHL or USPS package on route has a
change, it could send a text to you or others.
The value of “glue” systems like IFTTT,Xively or Zapier
for IoT is that it enables trigger states and actions for passive
systems. It simplifies the computing on the IoT device itself, and
instead allows you to set up more complex rules elsewhere that can be on
and monitoring all the time.
New Product Use Cases Emerging
This sort of glue also lets us reimagine the use cases for devices. A
portable Wi-Fi enabled remote camera can become a drone-mobile
perimeter monitoring system for large farms. Live events can integrate
feeds from multiple audiences tweeting or posting across the world, or
even trigger lighting and environmental mood controls, interactive
displays, and more – experiences you might only see at a high end
concert or digital art events like VIVID Sydney.
I shared how IMS Health was putting the IoT to work
with its IMS HealthWear Life Services platform for sales and customer
operations. By integrating an Apple Watch app with the IMS Health data
systems, it can guide salespeople with up to date information about
customers in the location. It can allow managers to check and support
their salespeople out in the field (see Fig 3).
These new use cases also mean more complexity in how companies
provide services. Xively, a product line of LogMeIn, aims to help
companies manage the experience of these increasingly complex
possibilities of connected devices. Its goal is to help companies manage
the user experience of such IoT devices. Think of customer services
where the product company can remotely diagnose or fix your device for
you rather than sending a tech over. The scenario’s described in the IBM
IBV paper may be implementable with Xively’s systems.
IoT Ecosystems Create New Aggregated Value
Finding a parking spot in London and major cities in the U.K. in
notoriously difficult at any time of the day. According to the Dept. for
Transportation, traffic demand is forecast to grow 44% by 2035
increasing congestion by 170%. According to other research from U.K.
insurer Swiftcover (part of AXA U.K.), 51% of motorists of motorists are
disinclined to visit city centers because of the difficulties posed by
parking, which in turn impacts the local economy.
This is emblematic of the increasing urbanization across the globe.
Nearly half the world’s population is in an urban area, and this will
grow to 75% by mid century. Try finding a good parking spot then.
To help address this problem today, Ethos VO, Ltd is helping several cities in the U.K. (City of London, Brighton, Milton Keynes, Bristol) with this problem in its Future Cities Parking Management Platform
based on IoT sensors and parking systems. From the IoT perspective,
this is about getting data across devices, but more importantly, the
business value created here is due to the ecosystem built around the
open data.
[Disclosure: I am a partner with Ethos VO, but not directly involved with this platform.]
This is not a single company building out services in a standardized
system but an ecosystem combining many sources and partners together. It
involves the collaboration of multiple parking companies in each city;
Seme4, a LinkedData platform software developer;, an IoT
messaging engine; and EnLight, a lighting hardware vendor. By partnering
together in an open data platform, the information is available
to motorists (through an app); to city transportation planners (through
the management platform in Fig 3); and to retail locations looking to
improve foot traffic to stores. Therefore an ecosystem of IoT sensors,
parking companies, data companies and city councils create a greater
benefit for all.
IoT ecosystems are useful in collective challenges; for example, it
could share data about actual water usage across many farms in Southern
California, combined with economic and water management data, describe a
more holistic view of the value. In the IBV study, this was one of
their suggested scenarios, albeit for a single company. Another example
would be an IoT ecosystem of air quality, again combined with
LinkedData. IoT in open ecosystems and marketplaces can bring us closer
to solving larger problems across society than isolated solutions and
limited use cases. That is where the real value lays in the future
economy supported by the Internet of Things.
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